Sunday, November 15, 2009

50 top linked-to sites

Rao, Leena. "The 50 Media Sites Bloggers Link to the Most." Tech Crunch: 9 March 2009. Web: 15 Nov 2009.

This article talks about a new search engine, Technorati, that recently released Technorati Attention Index, which measures the highest number of media sites linked to from blogs over the past 30 days. It lists the top 50, the top 5 being YouTube, NY Times, BBC News,, and MSN. The remaining 45 in the list fall under the same categories as these--news and entertainment. This article interestingly displays the things our country as a whole is most interested in--which apparently is entertainment, news, sports, and the economy.

I thought this was an interesting list. YouTube is number one, and that really surprised me! I know that a lot of people get on YouTube everyday, but I didn't realize that it's not just me and my friends who look up funny things--it's the rest of our country as well. What does this say about our use of free time in general? I think the rest of the list is good news--it's important to be learning about new happenings locally, nationally, and universally. I'm glad that the top 50 sites are at least uplifting, beneficial ones instead of sites that could easily be misused or that don't promote anything good. Our country is doing something right still!

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