Sunday, October 11, 2009


Cruz, Rolando. "Does Hollywood Really Have a Negative Impact on Society?" Associated Content: 27 Aug 2007. Web: 11 Oct 2009.

"They say that art imitates life and truth is stranger than fiction, so I find it hard to believe that Hollywood has a negative impact on the society." Basically Cruz states throughout this article that kids are being desensitized by Hollywood, it is true, but that it is the parents responsibility to teach the children what is right and what is wrong. According to Cruz, "Hollywood is a product of our society, not the other way around." The reason our society is going downhill is because parents aren't taking their own civic responsibilities of teaching their children upon their own heads and so when something goes wrong they blame their faults on the media.

I to some degree agree with this article. I can see how parents get caught up in the moment and the media being portrayed that they don't think at that exact time that they should tell their kids, "Oh, that's not right, don't ever do that." My parents don't. But, my parents have talked with me about it at other times so I know that it is not right. However, I still think that the huge amounts of media do impact our could they not?